Visits & Tastings

Discover how our wines are born by living the experience of one of our tasting itineraries

The tasting route includes a walk in the vineyards, a tour of our cellars and our company, concluding with the guided tasting of some of our wines.

Classic Wine Tasting

Duration: 60 Minutes

4 Butussi wines for tasting

Visit vineyards and winery

Tasting paired with bread and breadsticks


Advanced Wine Tasting

Duration: 75 Minutes

6 Butussi wines for tasting

Visit vineyards and winery

Tasting paired with bread and breadsticks, small afettati board and cheeses.


Advanced Wine Tasting and Pečâl

Duration: 90 Minutes

3 Butussi Wines and 3 Pečâl Selection Wines

Visit vineyards and winery

Tasting paired with bread and breadsticks, small afettati board and cheeses.


Pečâl Wine Tasting

Duration: 90 Minutes

6 Wines Pečâl Selection

Vineyard and cellar tour

Tasting paired with bread and breadsticks, small afettati board and cheeses.



For group reservations of more than 20 people or if you cannot find a right date for your tasting, please feel free to contact us at +39 0432.759194 or email

  • <span class="italian">Tipologia </span><span class="eng">Type </span>
  • Location
  • <span class="italian">Data e Orario</span><span class="eng">Date and Time</span>
  • Custom Fields
  • <span class="italian">Informazioni</span><span class="eng">Information</span>
  • <span class="italian">Pagamento</span><span class="eng">Payment</span>
  • <span class="italian">Dettagli ordine</span><span class="eng">Order details</span>
  • <span class="italian">Conferma</span><span class="eng">Confirmation</span>

Tipologia Type

Tipologia Type


Data e OrarioDate and Time

Fare clic su una data per visualizzare la timeline delle fasce orarie disponibili; fare clic su una fascia oraria verde per prenotarla. Click on a date to display the timeline of available time slots; click on a green time slot to reserve it.

Custom Fields

Please answer this set of questions to proceed.


Fornisci i tuoi dati di contatto in modo che possiamo inviarti una conferma e altre informazioni di contatto.Provide your contact information so that we can send you a confirmation and other contact information.


È possibile pagare online con carta di credito tramite Stripe o PayPal, oppure direttamente in azienda.You can pay online by credit card through Stripe or PayPal, or directly at the company.

Dettagli ordineOrder details

Controllare i dettagli della prenotazione e fare clic sul pulsante Invia se tutto è corretto. Check the reservation details and click the Submit button if everything is correct.


L’appuntamento è stato fissato con successo. La preghiamo di conservare questa conferma per la sua memoria.The appointment was successfully scheduled. Please keep this confirmation for your memory.
Domande? Non esitate a contattarci
Questions? Please feel free to contact us

Seleziona la tipologia Select the type

Seleziona la tipologia Select the type
Seleziona la locationSelect location
Seleziona data e orario Select date and time
Custom Fields
Informazioni ClienteCustomer Information
Metodo di pagamentoPayment method
Verifica dettagli ordineCheck order details
Conferma dell’appuntamentoAppointment confirmation

Select Service Duration

You need to select service duration, the price of your service will depend on duration.

How Many People?

Maximum capacity is 1
Degustazione €20 Starts From
Degustazione Classica – 60 Minuti
Degustazione Avanzata – 75 Minuti
Degustazione Avanzata e Pečâl – 90 Minuti
Degustazione Pečâl – 90 Minuti
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